Monday, 4 May 2009

Infected Ingrown Toe Nails

Ingrown Toenails are very painful and in some cases the only cure is a visit to the Chiropodist to remove the affected nail. To prevent Ingrown Toe nails make sure you cut the nails correctly straight across and do not cut down the sides of the nails ,This can cause spikes and jagged edges irratating the nail then it may become inflammed and then infected.
TOP TIP Warm salty water , soak your feet in salty water to keep clean and help fight infections.
When cutting toenails which are involuted (curved) or when cutting nails too short by accident the best tool to use is a blacks file which is a tool used by chiropodist to file down the side of the toenail edge making sure the nail is smooth and has no sharp spikes, BUY BLACKS FILES .